Encoder Options for wav Files
This setting lets you choose the desired codec, or the type of wave encoding you want for your files. The codecs available for use are not bundled with the software, but are instead already sitting on your computer. You can add to this list yourself by looking for ACM codecs on the Internet or elsewhere.
This setting lets you choose the bit rate, sampling rate and number of channels for the wave encoding. The list of options available is dependent on the particular type of encoding format chosen.
Please note that we use the source file's sample rate/channels for the converted file.
Enable Shaped Dithering
Dither is an intentionally applied form of noise added during some types
of audio processing for a smoother sound output. It helps to avoid the
creation of predictable and distracting audio artefacts known as
quantization errors. It does this by randomizing the errors so they are
less noticeable to the listener. Typical cases where quantization errors
can be introduced include: when converting bit depths (e.g. from 32 bit
to 16 bit to 32 bit), or when changing audio gain (from normal to quiet
to very loud). In these situations, dithering is recommended.
Note about Telephony applications: Most telephone lines, whether ground, cellular, or VoIP based, are sampled at 8000 Hz, 8-bit mono. This is the recommended bit rate setting for our telephony applications as choosing a higher sample rate will not increase quality but will increase file size. The option to change sample rate is provided in our telephony applications in case special bit rates are required by our users.