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What is the maximum duration for recording with SoundTap?While there is not a limit to the recording duration in SoundTap, we recommend limiting the size of your recordings for the following reasons. Firstly, there can be a technical limitation to the maximum file size permitted. This is imposed by the file system used on the hard drive. For example, in a FAT32 file system on Windows there is a 4GB limit. However, most computers these days are set up with NTFS file systems and no such limit is imposed. Secondly, there are a number of practical reasons why files of this size and duration are not helpful. It is very difficult to edit a recording of this size, and the file may in fact be too large to load into your sound editing software. In addition, if the audio file needs to be sent to a third party - as an email attachment, for example - extremely large files will probably be barred by most mail servers due to the size. Most email servers restrict attachments that are greater than 10 MB.
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