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File size limitationsWhat's the maximum duration of a dictation?
The maximum size of an audio file depends on several limitations. File system limitations Maximum file size Hard drives (or hard-drive partitions) are formatted using one of several file system types. The maximum size of a file depends on which file system is in use.
The file system of a drive can be found in Windows by right-clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer and selecting Properties. Please consider the file system of this software's working folder, as well as the file systems of any network shared folders that are being used. Audio file size This software stores audio internally using 16-bit uncompressed PCM WAV files. The number of bytes per second needed to store one of these audio recordings depends on the sample rate (also known as frequency) and the number of channels.
Maximum audio duration To calculate the longest amount of audio that honours the maximum file size: Maximum file size in bytes / (Bytes per second per channel * Number of channels) = Maximum number of seconds Examples
2,147,483,648 / (88,200 * 2) = 12,173
4,294,967,296 / (44,100 * 4) = 24,347
Software limitations This software is limited to a maximum of 2,147,483,647 samples per audio file. At a sample rate of 44KHz, that gives approximately 13.5 hours of audio. Other considerations Meta-data (such as dictation notes) and attachments that are stored in the same file as the audio, as is the case with the DCT file format, will increase the total size of a file.
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